More Than Medicare: How Healthcare Planning Helps Clients Across All Generations

Caribou Team
February 7, 2024

If you’re familiar with healthcare planning, you know it entails a comprehensive overview and the optimization of clients' present and future healthcare costs based on personalized needs and budgets. Healthcare planning is the practice of finding cost savings opportunities at multiple points in a person’s life as they relate to healthcare. Despite this, many financial planning professionals only use healthcare planning for Medicare planning, which isn’t a bad thing. We would go so far as to agree that healthcare planning is most valuable for those nearing 65, mainly because:

  • Many go on a fixed income at 65 if they’re retiring.
  • There’s usually an increase in healthcare costs, as well as an increased risk of developing healthcare conditions. 
  • Medicare operates very differently from Marketplace or employer coverage, so there are several new things to learn.
  • It is extremely hard to sort through Medicare scams or people/companies that don’t have your clients' best interests in mind.

However, clients of all ages, experiencing a number of additional Life Events, benefit from healthcare planning. The advisors at Burney Wealth Management know this to be true, which is why they routinely guide many of their clients, not just those nearing Medicare eligibility, through Caribou’s healthcare planning software. In this collection of case studies, you’ll meet clients* across a variety of generations and Life Events whose financial plans were protected thanks to healthcare planning.

*All client names have been changed to protect confidentiality.

Download "Special Edition | Client Case Studies: Healthcare Planning for Less Stress & Anxiety"

Download "Caribou Case Study: J.L. Bainbridge & Co."

Download "Caribou Customer Success Stories: Sensible Financial Planning"

Download "More Than Medicare: How Healthcare Planning Helps Clients Across All Generations"

Download "Supporting Clients Through Open Enrollment: A Collection of Case Studies"

Download "Caribou Customer Success Stories: Jackson Square Capital"

Download the Q2 2023 Caribou Healthcare Planning Report

Medicare Eligible & Still Working: A Case Study on How To Save Clients Thousands When They Are Working Past 65

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The Key to Growth for Financial Firms: Healthcare Planning

Download the Q1 2023 Caribou Healthcare Planning Report

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2022 Marketplace Open Enrollment Report

2022 Medicare Open Enrollment Report

Download the Q3 2022 | Caribou Healthcare Planning Report

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Healthcare Planning Data Insights: Medicare Open Enrollment

Download the Q4 2022 Caribou Healthcare Planning Report

Download 2023 | The Financial Advisor's Guide to Open Enrollment

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Download the Q2 2022 | Caribou Healthcare Planning Report

Download The Secret to Better Client Retention for Financial Advisors: Healthcare Planning

Download Healthcare Planning & Early Retirement: A Guide for Financial Advisors

Download "From $40K in Annual Drug Costs to $4K: A Caribou Case Study"

Download Healthcare Planning 101: A Starter Guide for Financial Advisors

Download the Caribou Case Study “Over 75% Savings in Health Plan Premiums & an Avoided Crisis”