Medicare Eligible & Still Working: A Case Study on How To Save Clients Thousands When They Are Working Past 65

Caribou Team
February 7, 2024

Many people coincide retirement with Medicare enrollment since 65 is a common age to stop working. But, these two life events don’t always occur close to one another. Because of this, there’s a common misconception that if you’re 65 and still working that you can’t enroll in Medicare — but this isn’t true. You can, in fact, enroll in Medicare at the age of 65 and continue to work. Despite this, some people choose to delay Medicare coverage and continue to use their employer-sponsored health insurance. This isn’t inherently a bad decision, but if the decision was made without analyzing costs and health needs, it might not be the optimal choice.

This was the case with William*, a 68-year-old man who worked past 65. He’s a new client with a firm in Pennsylvania that uses Caribou’s healthcare planning software. As William discussed his upcoming retirement plans with his advisor in his prospecting meeting, the advisor realized that William had opted to delay Medicare coverage. The advisor quickly got to work with Caribou and William to ensure his retirement plan, healthcare costs, and healthcare preferences would be optimized going forward, seeing a perfect opportunity to demonstrate value before finalizing his relationship with William. 

In this free case study, we’ll dive further into William’s case and share how his advisor, using HealthPlanner, was able to save William over $31k in annual fixed healthcare costs and find healthcare coverage that:

  • Covers all of his existing healthcare providers.
  • Offers the lowest financial exposure possible.
  • Offers the lowest monthly cost possible.

Download the case study below!

Download "Special Edition | Client Case Studies: Healthcare Planning for Less Stress & Anxiety"

Download "Caribou Case Study: J.L. Bainbridge & Co."

Download "Caribou Customer Success Stories: Sensible Financial Planning"

Download "More Than Medicare: How Healthcare Planning Helps Clients Across All Generations"

Download "Supporting Clients Through Open Enrollment: A Collection of Case Studies"

Download "Caribou Customer Success Stories: Jackson Square Capital"

Download the Q2 2023 Caribou Healthcare Planning Report

Medicare Eligible & Still Working: A Case Study on How To Save Clients Thousands When They Are Working Past 65

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